Claudius Zibrowius
Current group members
Aktuelle Mitarbeiter
Former group members
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
If you can't say it simply and clearly, keep quiet, and keep working on it till you can.
Karl Popper, 1970, in Wider die großen Worte
Wer's nicht einfach und klar sagen kann, der soll schweigen und weiterarbeiten, bis er's klar sagen kann.
Karl Popper, 1970, in Wider die großen Worte
Khovanov homology and refined bounds for Gordian distances
arXiv:2409.05743, 42 pages, joint with
Lukas Lewark and
Laura Marino
Khovanov multicurves are linear
arXiv:2202.01460, 41 pages, joint with
Kotelskiy and
Khovanov invariants via Fukaya categories: the tangle
invariants agree
arXiv:2004.01619, 14 pages, joint with
Kotelskiy and
Watson, submitted
Immersed curves in Khovanov homology
arXiv:1910.14584, 95 pages, joint with
Kotelskiy and
Watson, submitted
I gave a mini-course on selected material from this paper at
the 2019 ISM discovery school
Current Progress in Low Dimensions in
Montréal. My lecture notes are available
here along with
See also Jesse Cohen's notes.
In June 2024, Liam Watson gave a similar mini-course at Institute Fourier in Grenoble, which is available to watch on youtube.
Publications in major scientific journals
Veröffentlichungen in bedeutenden wissenschaftlichen Journalen
Rasmussen invariants of Whitehead doubles and other satellites
joint with
Lukas Lewark
Crelle, 56 pp.
(arXiv:2208.13612 |
A supplementary table of invariants can be found
Thin links and Conway spheres
joint with
Kotelskiy and
Compositio Mathematica 160.7 (2024), 1467–1524
(arXiv:2105.06308 |
Cosmetic operations and Khovanov multicurves
joint with
Allison Moore,
Mathematische Annalen 389 (2023), 2903–2930
(arXiv:2109.14049 |
A mnemonic for the Lipshitz-Ozsváth-Thurston correspondence
joint with
Kotelskiy and
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 23.6 (2023), 2519–2543
(arXiv:2005.02792 |
L-space knots have no essential Conway spheres
joint with
Lidman and
Allison Moore
Geometry & Topology 26.5 (2022), 2065–2102
(arXiv:2006.03521 |
On symmetries of peculiar modules; or, \(\delta\)-graded link
Floer homology is mutation invariant
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25.8 (2023), 2949–3006
(arXiv:1909.04267 |
Peculiar modules for 4-ended tangles
Journal of Topology 13.1 (2020), 77–158
(arXiv:1712.05050 |
Kauffman states and Heegaard diagrams for tangles
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 19.5 (2019), 2233–2282
(arXiv:1601.04915 |
Publications in conference proceedings and in other peer-reviewed scientific journals
Veröffentlichungen in Konferenzbänden oder in anderen peer-reviewten Journalen
Doktor- und
Talks (only those available online)
Multicurves of double tangles
The low-dimensional workshop of the research semester Singularities and low dimensional topology at the Erdős Center
Classification of multicurve invariants
ICTP conference Frontiers in Geometry and Topology in honour of Tom Mrowka, August 2022
Thin links and Conway spheres
The Nearly Carbon Neutral Geometric Topology Conference, June 2021
L-space knots have no essential Conway spheres
Simons Center Workshop: Floer homology in low-dimensional topology, January 2021
Thin links and Conway spheres
Regensburg low-dimensional geometry and topology seminar, July 2020
Khovanov and Heegaard Floer theories through the lens of
immersed curves
Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology, May
2020, joint with Artem Kotelskiy
Conway mutation in link Floer, Khovanov and Bar-Natan homology
geometry/topology seminars at Duke, UGA, and Durham,
February/March 2020
Categories of curved complexes for marked surfaces
Isaac-Newton-Institut, May 2017
Conference organization
Algebra and Low-Dimensional Topology,
Berlin, August 2022
minisymposium at the DMV meeting 2022, organized together with Paul Wedrich
Perspectives on quantum link homology theories,
Regensburg, August 2021
combined SFB student workshop and research conference, organized together with Lukas Lewark
Topology session of the winter meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, Vancouver, December 2018
organized together with Krishanu Sankar
Perspectives on bordered Heegaard Floer theory, Montréal, May 2018
combined ISM workshop/CIRGET conference, organized together with Liam Watson and Steve Boyer
Computer programs
kht++ (program website|github), a C++ program for computing Khovanov
invariants of links and tangles. 2021.
This program supersedes
KhT.py, a python program that I wrote
with G. Chhina during an undergraduate summer research project.
BSFH.m, a Mathematica package for computing
Zarev's bordered sutured Floer invariants. 2017–2019.
A manual can be
found in appendix D of my thesis. An updated version which
also handles more than two glueing surfaces
and \(\alpha\)- and \(\beta\)-arcs
simultaneously is available upon request.
PQM.m, a Mathematica package for computing the invariant \(\operatorname{HFT}\) for Conway tangles. 2018.
A manual can be
found here.
APT.m, a Mathematica package for computing the decategorified
polynomial tangle invariants \(\nabla_T^s\) from my
thesis. 2017.
A manual can be found in appendix C of my thesis.
All four programs are licensed
under AGPLv3.
I currently sing in the following choirs:
Ich singe momentan in folgenden Chören:
Genocide in Gaza
Völkermord in Gaza
I support this call by over 160 mathematicians to their colleagues to cease all scientific collaboration with Israeli institutions that do not explicitly condemn the genocide in Gaza and the illegal colonization of Palestine.
In November 2024, I left the German Protestant Church, despite (or rather because of) being a believer in Christ.
My reasons for this are explained in this letter (mostly German), entitled My resignation from the church — silence is complicity, to the pastor who baptized me.
I support this open letter addressed to the federal government of Germany, demanding that Germany must stop supporting the annihilation of palestinians.
In May 2024, I supported this public statement by university lecturers in Berlin. I was asked to justify my support.
Instructions for making your website prettier in these dark times: click here
Ich unterstütze diesen Aufruf von über 160 Mathematikern an ihre Kollegen, jegliche wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit israelischen Institutionen einzustellen, die nicht explizit den Völkermord in Gaza und die illegale Kolonisierung Palästinas verurteilen.
Im November 2024 bin ich aus der Evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands ausgetreten, obwohl (bzw. gerade weil) ich gläubiger Christ bin.
Meine Gründe dafür erläutere ich in diesem Brief an den Pfarrer, der mich getauft hat.
Ich unterstütze diesen Offenen Brief an die deutsche Bundesregierung, der fordert, das Deutschland umgehend aufhören muss, die Vernichtung von Palästinenser:innen zu unterstützen.
Im Mai 2024 habe ich das Statement von Lehrenden an Berliner Hochschulen unterstützt. Ich wurde aufgefordert, dies zu rechtfertigen
Anleitung um eine Webseite schöner zu machen in dieser dunklen Zeit: hier klicken (auf englisch)
Raspberry Pi
I have written a guide about how to run a website on a raspberry pi. You can read it here.
Ich habe eine Anleitung darüber geschrieben wie man eine Webseite auf einem Raspberry Pi betreibt. Man kann die Anleitung hier lesen.