
  • class algHF morphism in the cobordism category
  • class Arcs wrapper for arc representation of tangles
  • class BNMor morphism of the Bar-Natan algebra $\mathcal{B}$
  • class BNObj object of the Bar-Natan algebra $\mathcal{B}$
  • struct Chain list of clinks (Clink), representing a single indecomposable summand of a loop-type complex. If the morphism of the last Clink is non-zero, the chain corresponds to a compact curve; otherwise it corresponds to a non-compact one.
  • struct Chains list of chains (Chain)
  • struct Clink a single link a Chain
  • class CobMor morphism in the cobordism category
  • struct CobMultHelper helper structure for the multiplication of cobordisms; this is in preparation for precomputing the algebra
  • class CobObj a crossingless two-sided (top/bottom) tangle, ie object of the cobordism category
  • class Complex generic child of Complex_Base
  • class Complex<BNObj, BNMor, Coeff> Specialization of Complex to the Bar-Natan algebra $\mathcal{B}$ (BNAlgebra.h)
  • class Complex<CobObj, CobMor, Coeff> Specialization of Complex to the cobordism category (Cob.h)
  • class Complex_Base base class for complexes
  • class Deco auxillary class for the definition of CobMor
  • class File consists of a list of strings that specify a file path when concatenated along file_sep
  • class Khr_curve implements components of $\widetilde{\mathrm{Kh}}$
  • class Label auxillary class for the definition of BNMor
  • struct max_gr_str consists of three integers, one for each grading (quantum, homological, δ), specifying the number of characters that should be reserved for this grading in text output. This is used to align the gradings in string representations of objects (BNObj,CobObj).
  • struct PCA Wrapper class for some precomputed data needed for the multiplication of CobMor.
  • struct Q the field $\mathbb{Q}$ of rational numbers
  • class Tangle consists of a list of slices (Slice) and a list of cuts (Cut)
  • struct Z_mod the field $\mathbb{Z}/p$ for prime integers $p$ . We do not check if P is a prime number.