template<typename Coeff>
BNMor class

morphism of the Bar-Natan algebra $\mathcal{B}$

A morphism consists of two objects, namely domain (BNObj) and codomain (BNObj), and a list of labels (Label).

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

constructor for the zero-morphism (needed by the Eigen Template Library)
BNMor(Idem front, Idem back, std::list<Label<Coeff>> labels)
standard constructor
BNMor(int i)
constructor for the zero-morphism (needed by the Eigen Template Library)

Public functions

auto check(const BNObj& obj_from, const BNObj& obj_to) const -> bool
true if the morphism is zero or goes between the two specified objects
auto get_back() const -> Idem
auto get_coeff(const bool& faceD) const -> Coeff
coefficient of morphism, assuming get_type() returned a non-zero value
auto get_first_coeff() const -> Coeff
coefficient $a$ of the first label of the morphism; results in undefined behaviour if the morphism is zero.
auto get_first_type() const -> int
type $n$ of the first label of the morphism; results in undefined behaviour if the morphism is zero.
auto get_front() const -> Idem
front objects of the morphism
auto get_labels() const -> std::list<Label<Coeff>>
all labels of the morphism
auto get_type(const bool& faceD) const -> int
type of same type as faceD and 0 if there is none.
auto is_0() const -> bool
true if the morphism is 0. We assume that the morphism is simplified.
auto is_inv() const -> bool
true if the morphism is invertible, ie an invertible multiple of the identity. We assume that the morphism is simplified.
auto operator*(const BNMor<Coeff>& mor1) const -> BNMor<Coeff>
compose two morphisms as functions: $\mathcal{B}(b,c)\otimes\mathcal{B}(a,b)\rightarrow\mathcal{B}(a,c)$ (note the order!). The function raises an exception if the morphisms are incomposable.
auto operator*(const Coeff& scalar) const -> BNMor<Coeff>
multiply a morphism by a scalar
void operator*=(const Coeff& coeff)
multiplication assignment: with a scalar
auto operator+(const BNMor<Coeff>& mor2) const -> BNMor<Coeff>
add two morphisms together; no sanity checks are performed.
void operator+=(const BNMor<Coeff>& mor2)
addition assignment with another morphism
auto operator-() const -> BNMor<Coeff>
negative of a morphism
auto operator==(const BNMor<Coeff>& mor2) const -> bool
true if the two morphisms are equal. We assume here that both are simplified (see simplify()).
void print(const bool& is_4ended = true) const
print string representation of morphism in terminal. If the argument is false, non-negative label types ( $n$ ) are interpreted as powers of the varible $H\in k[H]$ and negative label types ( $n$ ) raise exceptions.
void set_coeff(const Coeff& coeff)
replace the coefficients of all labels of the morphism
auto simplify() -> BNMor
add up all coefficients with same label and eliminate labels with coefficient equal to 0; note that the list of labels might be empty after this operation.
auto split() -> std::list<BNMor<Coeff>>
split morphism into multiple morphisms with exactly one label; primarily used for morphisms of the form $D^m+S^{2m}$ .
template<typename New_Coeff>
auto to_coeffs() const -> BNMor<New_Coeff>
converts a morphism over the integers $\mathbb{Z}$ to a morphism over the new ring of coefficients specified by 'New_Coeff'
auto to_coeffs() const -> BNMor<New_Coeff>
implementation of to_coeffs()
auto to_string(bool with_coeff = 1, bool is_4ended = true) const -> std::string
string representation of a morphism; coefficients are included, iff the first argument is true; if second argument is false, non-negative label types ( $n$ ) are interpreted as powers of the varible $H\in k[H]$ and negative label types ( $n$ ) raise exceptions.

Function documentation

template<typename Coeff>
Idem BNMor<Coeff>::get_back() const

back objects of the morphism

template<typename Coeff>
int BNMor<Coeff>::get_type(const bool& faceD) const

type of same type as faceD and 0 if there is none.

results in undefined behaviour unless the morphism is homogeneous of non-zero quantum grading, so that there is:

  • no identity component
  • at most one type $n < 0$
  • at most one type $n > 0$

template<typename Coeff>
BNMor<New_Coeff> BNMor<Coeff>::to_coeffs() const

implementation of to_coeffs()