template<typename Coeff>
Chains struct

list of chains (Chain)

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Chains(const File& file)
construct chains from a file; this file should have the same format as 'Complex::print(...)'
Chains(std::vector<Chain<Coeff>> chains)
standard constructor

Public functions

auto compacts() -> Chains<Coeff>
create new Chains from old by forgetting all non-compact chains.
void concentrate_local_systems()
apply Chain::concentrate_local_system() to all components
void fix_shorts()
apply Chain::fix_shorts() to all components
auto non_compacts() -> Chains<Coeff>
create new Chains from old by forgetting all compact chains.
void sort()
apply Chain::sort() to all components
auto to_string(const bool& is_4ended = true, const bool& is_Khr = false) const -> std::string
string representative of chain; the options are the same as Clink::to_string

Public variables

std::vector<Chain<Coeff>> chains
list of chains