sources/headers/constants.h file

defines some constants used in the program


const int custom_coeff
Specifies the a custom ring of coefficients, which is $\mathbb{Z}/$ custom_coeff. custom_coeff should be a prime not equal to 2, 3, 5, or 7. For details, see Coefficients.h.
const int default_coeff
Specifies the default ring of coefficients, which is $\mathbb{Z}/$ default_coeff; custom_coeff should be a prime number. For details, see Coefficients.h.
const int default_number_of_lines
constant used in the interactive tangle definition; this constant should be eliminated
const std::string docs_mainpage
relative path to the main page of the documentation; the default docs/index.html is a symbolic link and may not work under Windows/MacOS
const int integer_simulant
integer $N$ such that we can do the main computation for all finite fields $\mathbb{Z}/p$ for prime $p$ simultaneously, by first computing over $\mathbb{Z}/N$ and then doing a conversion.
const int max_clean_up_iter
sets the maximum number of iterations that Complex::clean_up() will go through to put a complex into loop-type form. Currently this is set to 100000.
const int maximum_number_of_tangle_strands
(conservative) upper limit for the number of allowed tangle strands to prevent the computer from attempting calculations whose runtime might exceed the age of the universe.